Pianist, Vocal Coach, Collaborator


Pianist, Collaborator, Vocal Coach, Educator, Arranger, Repertoire Consultant

What can I help you with?




Live music provides a unique thrill for an audience. Piano collaborations are always a high energy experience. I love how the piano can capture the smallest, most intimate moments in one moment, and then take on all the colors of an orchestra.



I have always been a fervent proponent of the educational process. My own teachers have had a profound impact on my life, and I am consistently inspired by witnessing intellectual and artistic growth in students of all levels.



I am passionate about working with others. If it is from behind a piano, in a face to face coaching or in an online meeting, I do my best to make the artistic vision become reality.



I have experience arranging folk songs, jazz standards, popular music, and small ensembles. I particularly enjoy playing with style and genre in arrangements.



Coaching is one of the most rewarding jobs for a musician. Making music, trying out different musical and dramatic ideas, and discovering details in scores can be a magical part of the rehearsal process. I have worked professionally with singers of all levels. I am comfortable in any genre of music.


The present musical landscape is vast and requires knowledge of many styles and genres of music. I have knowledge of large amounts of repertoire, from the hits to lesser known gems, from song, to opera, to popular music. Let’s curate a program together that highlights your artistic vision and strengths.